How to Attach a Toupee
For many men, hair loss is a simple fact of life and getting older. And for many, it even started in their 20s. While male pattern baldness is the biggest reason for hair loss (among men), there can be other genetic and medical reasons for less hair framing your face. Enter the toupee. The topper hair piece is the absolute best way to hide a bald head, cover a combo over and regain your self-esteem.
With all the high-quality toupees on the market today, it’s difficult to even spot one in a crowd anymore. Did you know William Shatner and Sean Connery wear toupees (and have for many years)? So while the hair piece may be intimidating at first, you’re actually joining the likes of a distinguished group of men who care about the way they look! Attaching a toupee is just as easy as deciding to sport one.
Prep the Toupee
Start by turning the toupee inside out and resting it on a raised, soft surface. A hairspray can with a towel draped over it works well, or a wig stand if you have one. Lying the toupee flat could make it lose its shape and not fit as well, so try not to do it. Moisten and remove any leftover tape or residue from the last wear. Apply new, double-sided toupee tape around the under part of the base of the toupee. When you’re ready to attach the toupee remove the tape liner, being careful not to get any hairs stuck in the tape. That’s it for the hair piece, now prepare your noggin.
Prep Your Head
Spray an alcohol-based formula on to your scalp, or just rub some water on it. This ensures that your scalp is clean while buying a little time before the adhesive tape bonds, in case you need to shift the toupee. If you’re completely bald, it may be difficult to tell where your hairline should start. An easy trick is to hold your pinky finger over your eyebrow, then rest the reaming fingers as they naturally fall against your forehead. Where your index fingers falls is where your hairline starts. Use this as a guide to ease the toupee on. Adjust as you place the toupee and don’t push down until you’re happy with the placement. Apply pressure to your scalp (and the tape) to set and bond the toupee.
One note on your toupee tape. There are different varieties available, which vary based on how long you wear your toupee and your toupee construction. Always consult with your boutique stylist about what products you should use with your hair piece.
Go Forth and Conquer
Now that your toupee is attached, don’t forget to care for it and style it. Lightly spray the hair with a spray-in conditioner; make sure you only use products designed for wigs and toupees. Then mist on a gel or hairspray and brush or comb your hair into the desired style as the product dries. Always air dry your toupee, do not use a hairdryer or other hot styling tools.
Ready to see your old self when you look in the mirror? We do more than just wigs and extensions at Wig Elegance. Our experienced stylists will guide you to selecting the most natural toupee, as well as give you some instruction on how to wear and care for it.