Despite revolutionary changes in the wig world over the last couple years, wigs still get a bad reputation and common misconceptions about wigs continue to persist. Wigs are an excellent way to help give you confidence if you are suffering from hair loss, recovering from chemotherapy treatment, or you just want to try a new hairstyle. No matter what your reason is for wanting to wear a wig, it can be a crazy and complex world to dive into. Here are some common misconceptions about wigs dispelled so that you can feel comfortable and confident when buying and wearing your first wig!
Wigs Fall Off Easily
A great fear for first time wig wearers is that your wig will easily fall off while you’re in public. There are different methods and steps you can take to ensure that this doesn’t happen. A few of the most popular options for securing your wig in place are wig tapes and wig clips. When buying your first wig, consult with our wig experts for which wig securing option is best and most comfortable for you.
Wigs Are Hot, Heavy and Itchy
Many first-time wig wearers fear that their new wigs will create extra heat on and around your head while the weight of the wig will irritate your scalp and make it itchy. If you buy a quality wig, you don’t have to worry about this. Quality wigs are made with breathable fabrics in order to provide cooling and lasting comfort throughout your day. Many high quality wigs are made from a monofilament material which is specifically designed to not irritate the scalp and instead provide comfort. If you have an extra sensitive scalp, you should look into getting a wig cap to help further reduce any wig irritations.
Wigs Slow Natural Hair Growth
Wigs are often used after chemotherapy treatments while waiting for natural hair to grow back in. Many women fear wearing wigs during this time because of the misconception that wigs slow or stall completely natural hair growth. This is not true. Wearing a wig while waiting for your hair to grow back is a great way to boost your confidence and protect your scalp from the sun.
Wigs Look Fake
The biggest worry and misconception about wigs is that they look fake. Your wig won’t exactly match your natural hair so it’s natural that you will be concerned. However, high quality wigs have tricks to make them look and feel almost as natural as your own hair. Lace front wigs are the most natural looking wigs and a very popular choice amongst women. The sheer natural lace front creates the natural hairline look. Most wigs are made with a monofilament top so that no matter where you part your wig, the hair looks like it is coming from your scalp.
Don’t let misconceptions about wigs keep you from gaining confidence. Being fitted with the right wig can make you feel and look fabulous. Let our wig experts here at Wig Elegance fit you to your perfect wig. If you have any questions about wigs, please call us today at 215-945-4900.