Protecting Your Wigs Unfortunately, wigs don’t last forever. But the good news is properly washing and maintaining your wig can keep it looking natural and beautiful for longer. How to wash a wig depends on what it is made of. There are two main types of wigs—human hair and synthetic … [Read more...]
Damaged Your Wig? We Can Help!
After a while, your wigs become part of you and when one of them becomes damaged, you really feel it. The different styles and colors really show off your personality, but you’ll find that you wear one wig more often than your others. Constantly wearing one wig day after day can cause some wear and … [Read more...]
Making Your Wig Secure on a Windy Day
Wearing a wig on a windy day can be less than ideal. Let’s face it: the almost constant wind in your hair may make you concentrate more on your wig staying intact than what you’re doing at the moment. But don’t fret! With these tips, your wig won’t blow down the street like a … [Read more...]
What You Can Expect at Your First Wig Elegance Wig Appointment
New to wearing and caring for a wig? Shopping for a wig can be overwhelming, from the different wig types to the variety of styles and colors. Then there is customizing your wig to make it look natural, plus caring for your wig to ensure it lasts as long as possible. But it’s all easier with a wig … [Read more...]